Thursday, February 5, 2009

5 Minutes a Day = Salad!

So, you've got no job, no land, no money, and you're tired of eating beans with your rice. You long for some pure fresh greens and crunchy salad, but can't afford all the delicious organic produce at the store....Sound familiar? Here's what you can do:

Take 1/4 cup dry lentils, pour them into a clean wide-mouth jar, rinse them very well, put a piece of screen material on top with a rubber band and cover with water. Let that sit overnight or do it in the morning.

After 6-8 hours, pour that water off, (water your plants with it) rinse thoroughly but gently, and invert the little greenhouse onto a rack or improvised drainage system. I use 2 chopsticks over a bowl. Put this by your sink so you can pay attention to it. Rinse and drain 2-3 times a day, and whenever they look dry.

Eat in 2-3 days when the sprouts are 1/2-1" long. These are the easiest seeds to sprout, very nutritious, and fantastic on top of a salad or in a wrap. Refrigerate with a lid on when they're ready. Get into this rhythm and you'll always have some fresh nutritious live food, almost for free, and best of all, you grew it! More about sprouting supergreens soon come...

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