I'm starting to eat these beautiful lettuces, some scallions, and spinach here on the porch. I have thyme, catnip and oregano to use too. It's just starting to warm up and things are beginning to grow. My clematis is budding and hyacinth in bloom, roses leafing out.
The Earth Box spinach is pulling ahead in the growth and sweetness category. I love it.
The spinach in the control pot is a few leaves behind, and not as vigorous.
This is an example of 'natural agriculture' or this lazy likkle miss' method of propogating. I like to let some favorite plants go to seed especially at the end of the season. In this case it was parsley in a pot last year. When the seed was developed, I just bent the head down and laid it on the soil. It sat like that all winter and now I have a bunch of baby parsley plants to move around and share. Parsley is a great one for reseeding.
I'm starting to eat this Arctic lettuce, it's so buttery yummy, and it has all that energy from being out in nature all winter long, vitamins from earth and sky and spirit. In this pot, I also seeded a variety called Tom Thumb, mini bibb lettuces that are ready in only one month. I'll spread these out as they grow.
Between these lettuces and the ones over at the community garden, I might not have to buy any more lettuce for a few months. That's my goal, replace store trips with garden walks.
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