Sunday, April 5, 2009

Micro Greens: Sunnies, Part Two

Meanwhile in my kitchen, I'm enjoying my sunflower greens all week long. Once they germinated and began to grow, I removed the coverings, watered them and put them in a bright spot indoors initially.

Once they're growing, it's ok to put them outside during the day if it's still cold.

They grow pretty fast and will pop off their seed shells as they grow.
Start enjoying them as soon as the first two leaves open and they're a couple inches high. They're delicious and buttery and pack a nutritional punch of being both green and living. I add them to salads, stuff em inna pita with hummus, or just graze on them for a snack. Harvest all of them before the second set of leaves develops. You can store them in the fridge in a zip lock for a few days. Try these for something different.


  1. nice information

    look for the organic food identifying

  2. hello,
    your blog is great and i added you to my garden sites links.
    thank you for sharing your photos and i will keep you in touch if they end up in a drawing.
