Monday, July 6, 2009

June Done & Gone!

Was gone for a couple weeks in June---everything still lookin pretty good. Here's the garlic above before I left...

Came home and harvested the garlic, and some shallots. Pretty nice yield (20 bulbs) for that marginal land strip. Garlic is like a 'free' crop---plant one bulb (a dozen cloves) in the fall, and by next June you've got a bulb for every clove you planted, that's 12x return, not a bad investment return in these dire economic times. Plus, it's pretty pest resistant and care-free. And, besides being the essential ingredient in nearly everything I eat, it's got natural anti-biotic and anti-viral properties. And...if that weren't enough, it'll keep vampires away too. Try some. At $5.00/lb. I'm doin well with this harvest. I grow the 'hardneck' strains because they keep the longest, that matters if you grow a lot more.

Two weeks later, and check the squash tub, wow. I have baby crooknecks already.

Remember the tomatoes with beans on the left and cukes on the right? They're climbing up the poles and growing like mad. Pretty sight to come home too.

The front of the main box again. I don't know about those potato bins (left). Everything is growing huge except for them. Won't know how they worked till I dig for the taters, nothing yet.

1 comment:

  1. Organic food is very important. Just depending on one kind of food is health alarming as in this way we run short of important minerals and electrolytes.
