Tuesday, March 24, 2009

First Sunday in Spring in the City of Roses

Started off right at our Farmers' Market, they continue every other week through the winter, we're so lucky, and here's one of the organic anchor farms, "Gathering Together".

Nice work, "Gathering Together".

Spinach, avo and smoked salmon from Farmers Market for this Sunday meal. Give thanks for the farmers. We have many CSA's in our beautiful city, Community-supported-agriculture, where you can actually buy harvest shares in a local farm or coop, and receive weekly boxes of produce for the duration of the contract. Most go April-October, and it's definitely a good option if you need more food than you can grow. The co-op concept gives members a wider range of foods and harvest times, but most are single farms. It really helps the farmers too, it's a great partnership with both sharing the risk and harvest. It keeps all that food money local too, another healthy advantage to the community.

Downtown, I'm happy to see this ancient tree on board for spring one more time.

Did you know that violets are edible and have a cancer-fighting property in the leaves too? You can add them to a salad; grow as edible landscaping in a pot or in the ground. They smell divine.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post. The vegetables look so fresh straight from the farm. I am surprise to know that violets are edible with cancer fighting properties.
