Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Get Your Tomatoes in the Ground!

No time for dilly-dally! If you've been waiting or wondering what to do next, just go do it! Just about everywhere is warm enough for all those crops you've been dreaming about--tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, beans, basil, carrots, you name it. You can sow beans, cukes, squash and carrots directly; buy the pepper and tomato starts. Follow the package instructions for spacing and add a little organic food when planting. This can be liquid, powder or compost, whatever is easiest, but stick with organic, skip the Miracle-gro. See, we're actually growing soil here, the food is a delicious byproduct. That's why organic is important---we want to create a healthy environment for all the earthworms and critters who relish in making soil, the true kings and queens of the garden. Make it nice for them, and they'll take care of you.

Along the fence, I'm harvesting that early lettuce completely and following it with pepper plants, what's called successive planting. See the garlic in front, and peas are growing up the fence.

My Earth Box spinach is starting to 'bolt', go to flower and seed. I'm going to harvest it all now and replant with a whole new summer menu.

Cute little Cherry Belles from the porch, these are in a big pot with snow peas at the back so they can climb the trellis. This we call companion planting. When they're done, I might put more of the same in, or maybe something like basil.

The porch is bustin out with lush green vibes, it's amazing how fast things are growing now---moon on the rise, heading towards summer solstice, powerful time in nature, peas growing 6 inches a day and starting to flower (left foreground).

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