Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What My Food Looks Like

On the porch in early April, some 'before' shots. This is broccoli.

I'm eating this ornamental kale 'cause I love the colors.

A speckled lettuce.

The most bodacious spinach growing in the Earth Box again. I've been eating this since March, so good.

Kale & Finch

Life attracts more life.

Supper from the Garden

Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring is here in Portland

One of my 'three little birds' that let me know it's time to get busy in the garden, 'wake up & live!' they sing. Our spring is early after a very mild winter. The perfect day to spend in the community garden, get things cleaned up and make a plan.

Check these roots--one of my leeks. I love to grow leeks because: they're scrumptious to cook with, and storage is not a problem, these have been in the ground all winter here. I dug them as needed. I planted them last spring. This one is huge, and I love it that these leeks have absorbed all that winter energy, survived those freezing rains and winds and come through even more strong and beautiful---now their nature becomes a part of us. That's some good eatin.

Look at the size of my oregano, jus now wakin up from a nice winter slumber. I fed and cultivated it today.

Wow, these chives have doubled in size since last fall. You can eat the flower buds and flowers too later.

Lookin down the bed---garlic is on the left, about 8" high, planted on time (for a change) last October. It'll be ready by June. You can see that I've added some amendments to the soil---I added my favorite chicken manure, a nice organic compost, and some lime.